Portfolio Advice And Choosing Images For Models { Model Advice } (Photo: Daniel*1977 via photopin cc) Table of Contents Don’ts Dos Questions and Answers I’ve seen a lot of portfolio advice given to photographers on how to choose items for their portfolio, but not much for models. As I was browsing [...]
Portrait-52 Week #7 This weeks portrait is Shaun, a friend of mine from grade 8 who remains to this day one of my best friends. He needed a new headshot, I needed a portrait, he came over and I spent about 40 minutes shooting him in the under-renovations [...]
Guest Post in Venture Beat – Best and Worst iPhone Camera Apps Look ma, I’m published! No really, I am. My friend John Koetsier writes for Venture Beat and after a conversation a couple of weeks ago about the number of crazy insane (or is it insane crazy) number of useless and silly iPhone camera apps [...]
My Favorite Photography Podcasts One of the things I like to do to relax is to listen to podcasts, and, being a photographer, photography podcasts are on the top of the list. Here is a quick list of the ones currently in my rotation, and why. On Taking Pictures: I know I’m [...]
Portrait-52 Week #6 This week is my co-worker Joe, who was kind enough to stay a bit late to let me experiment with a new bit of lighting kit. I did my best to replicate this image from the Strobist site, using a 43″ brolly, which worked fantastically. I [...]
Portrait-52 Week #5 This week’s portrait is a bit different. As you can see this dapper gentleman isn’t scared of society’s thoughts on fashion or bawling his eyes out for no reason in public. He wasn’t that bad in our photo shoot, but he did have to have a [...]
MVP Glamour Workshop Images Here is the results of the last MVP Workshops glamour photography workshop. An amazing set of models and photographers made this a great time. If you’re interested in joining up as a model or photographer, head over to the MVP Workshops [...]