Photography Image Rating Systems {Photographer Thoughts} I’ve noticed in the last few years there seem to be two different camps of image rating methodologies for photographers. One camp is to use star ratings, One star to 5 stars, using the full breadth of available stars. The other camp is a [...]
Portrait-52 Week #9 This week the beautiful Tammy Yacyshyn volunteered to shoot with me. I shot Tammy last year as well, and had a blast, and was really happy she wanted to shoot again, and in a very cool location.
Photos From The February Swim Wear Workshop The shoot this month with MVP Workshops was awesome. Chris outdid himself with a swimwear themed shoot, amazing models and makeup artists and a great bunch of photographers. If you fall into the class of model, makeup artist or photographer, [...]
Portrait-52 Week #8 This week it was a friend of mine from the old days, Avi, who let me take over her sisters house with a bunch of photography gear, and then drag her (and her niece) in front of the lens.
My Pebble Smart Watch Review There are many Pebble Smart Watch reviews, all similar, all unique. This is mine. I heard about the Pebble Watch on Kickstarter the day that it made it’s goal, and even though I didn’t write about it, I did back it immediately. I got back into [...]
Portfolio Advice And Choosing Images For Models { Model Advice } (Photo: Daniel*1977 via photopin cc) Table of Contents Don’ts Dos Questions and Answers I’ve seen a lot of portfolio advice given to photographers on how to choose items for their portfolio, but not much for models. As I was browsing [...]
Portrait-52 Week #7 This weeks portrait is Shaun, a friend of mine from grade 8 who remains to this day one of my best friends. He needed a new headshot, I needed a portrait, he came over and I spent about 40 minutes shooting him in the under-renovations [...]